Holly & I are hoping to realize our dream of becoming parents through adoption. For most of you, the concept of adoption is the same one that has been practiced for generations; a birthmother decides she does not want to parent, the child is adopted at birth and both parties go their separate ways. We hope to become a family through open adoption, a different concept than traditional adoption with so many more benefits for everyone.
Open Adoption is, open. It's open to all of the wonderful things that come from honesty, understanding, respect and the fact that love does indeed make a family. Open Adoption is a way for us to grow our family, not just by adding a child to our lives, but by including and embracing the birthmother & her family in the rest of our lives going forward. Our future child will always know his/her whole story and how by the love of many, came to be ours.
Our agency is the Independent Adoption Center (IAC), a national nonprofit organization. In addition to hosting our adoption profile, the IAC does outreach to connect with potential birthmothers and offers supportive services to both adoptive and birth families, pre and post adoption. This blog and our various social networking pages are additional vehicles to share our information far and wide in the hopes that a birthmother considering placing her baby for adoption will see us and love what she sees.
So, go ahead and share us. Like us. Tweet away! It takes a village to raise a child. We know our 'virtual' village could actually help make us Moms! You can help share our Facebook page, Pinterest boards, this blog or our web site. We're not tweeting, on YouTube, Instagram or too many other social media sites, but if you are, please share our messages there too!!
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