Saturday, April 13, 2013

More Than Just a Run

Today I ran my first 5K, and it was awesome!!  I can't believe I just said that.  This from the woman who has never seen the purpose in running, unless it was chasing a ball when I was much younger.  Sure, my knees hurt, that last hill almost did me in, and my eyes itched with pollen, but I did it!  But as proud as I am of myself for taking on this challenge, the run ended up being about so much more than that.  In fact, I learned a lot about the kind of parent I want to be in those 3 miles.

This run benefited an organization called Girls on the Run of the Triangle, a character development program for girls ages 8-12 in our area.  Over four months, groups of girls participate in fun activities, community service, and running - along the way becoming more positive, healthy, and self-confident.  The culminating event of the program is a 5K run with their coaches, families, friends, and the entire community cheering them on.  I couldn't be prouder to have been a part of this run with these amazing kids.  But along the way, I also found myself thinking about the kind of role model I want to be for our child.

Here is my commitment to our future little one:
Yes, I will run in matching tutus like that Dad and daughter up ahead.
I will hold your hand while you reach your goals, even if it's just making it to that next stop sign.
Of course we can wear crazy, florescent, knee-high socks if it will make you smile.
I promise to be your loudest cheerleader, just like those race volunteers, reminding you that you're awesome and that you can do it!

Pre and post race photos with my friend and coach,
Michelle.  A beautiful day in downtown Durham!

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